In Breif

This is the official site of the Rotary Club of Aley, a club in Mount Lebanon within district 2450. You can check this site to learn about our current projects, and get in touch with our team.

About us

About Us

Message from (T)  The District Governor (ST)
The world is changing and accordingly the information technology is also
turning to electronics; however the books and magazines in the form of
traditional media still holds a prominent place in carrying the information to
larger people. As such, Rotary considers the publications of books,
magazines, newsletters, bulletins etc. an effective tool to carry out the
message of Rotary to the large numbers of Rotarians and non-Rotarian
people alike. Rotary club’s magazine certainly creates Rotary Awareness
among members inside the club and enhances the Image of Rotary, outside
in the communities.
It indeed requires a determination and an effort for the club to publish a
magazine. Hence, I appreciate those efforts and take this opportunity to
congratulate Rotary Club of Sahel Metn, for publishing their Annual
I have been informed that the magazine is being distributed to the invitees
during the club’s yearly Valentine’s Dinner. Therefore, I am further happy to
note that the occasion involve fellowship, love and caring – the elements
that Rotary so much emphasizes. Fellowship is what keeps us together in
Rotary and Valentine’s Day spread the message of love and caring.
In the words of Paul Harris: “In the promotion of understanding, it is important
to reach large numbers, non-Rotarians as well as Rotarians, and you cannot
reach large numbers privately.”
Promoting Rotary by creating a positive image and fostering fellowships
among Rotarians is our responsibility and the responsibly of every Rotarian,
locally and globally.
Good luck and continue doing good in the world …. to bring more hope to
the world.
“The Future Of Rotary Is In Your Hands”
Nijad Al Atassi
Nijad K Al Atassi
District Governor 2009-10
District 2450